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Acute Acupuncture: Tuina


Tuina is a form of traditional Chinese Medicine using methods closely related to forms of treatments such as chiropractors, medical massage, deep tissue, physiotherapy, and osteopathy.  Tuina is also similar to more common Western massage techniques such as medical deep tissue massage, therapeutic massage, body massage, sports massage, pregnancy massage, Swedish massage, and Lymph drainage massage. However, Tuina is over 2000 years old and this modality is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world as well as in Wellington. 


Learn more about Tuina Medical Massage Wellington read these Blog Posts Click Here.


Tuina, also called Tui Na, or Tuina massage is a form of bodywork based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine working with acupuncture points along with the meridians throughout the body. In Acute-Acupuncture Wellington using Tuina, we can tap into the same properties of the Acupuncture points by stimulating the energetic properties of these points but without using any needles.


Common Tuina techniques use stretches, pressure points, and joint rotations, which are used to help restore and harmonize the flow of energy or life force restoring the body’s natural balance.


The name of this massage therapy literally comes from the two words describing actions in the treatment. Tui means “to push” and Na means “to grab or squeeze.” Tuina has been dubbed a combination of Shiatsu, a Japanese bodywork practice, and acupressure massage.


Tuina may be helpful in the management of any pain or ailments such as back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness, leg and knee injuries, rotator cuff injuries, and many more. Not only this, but this ancient method can be a helpful way to enable you to unwind and relax similar to Western massage techniques such as medical deep tissue massage, therapeutic massage, body massage, sports massage, and pregnancy massage.


If you have any more questions or concerns check out our Acute-Acupuncture Wellington Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), as we find these answer most people's questions.

Cupping involves the use of small glass cups and the use of a heat sourceis similar to a deep tissue massage
Herbs are the pharmaceutical aspect of your treatment, which may help to support patitaints clinical outcomes
Ear acupuncture where the external surface of the ear is stimulated with a maximum of 5 Acupuncture needles or ear seeds in each ear
Heat therapy that use smokeless MOXA (moxibustion) or the use of an infrared heat lamp, to bring warmth or heat to the acupuncture point or body area

Your treatment doesn’t end when you walk out the door and recovery and aftercare are essential aspects of your treatment and recovery

Restoring the body’s natural balance through the insertion of very delicate needles into strategic points located on and around the body

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Wellington Acupuncture, Cupping, Tunia Medical, Pregnancy, Deep Tissue, Acupressure, Therapeutic Massage & Therapy Services
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