Our success is when we're no longer needed
Acute Acupuncture: Aftercare
At Acute Acupuncture Wellington, your treatment doesn’t end when you walk out the door and recovery and aftercare are essential aspects of your treatment and recovery.
What you should know before you book Acupuncture Click Here.
As part of your initial consultation, as well as throughout your treatments, your practitioner will discuss additional aftercare or treatments that are right for you and your particular ailments. This may be herbal formulas for internal deficiencies, or repletion such as pain and pain management.
For example, for musculoskeletal conditions that you may be using ACC for, your practitioner will most likely discuss the use of stretches, foam rollers, massage balls, trigger point balls, and silicone cupping sets to further assist in your recovery.
To help with your aftercare, everything that is sold at the clinic is modestly priced because we focus on clinical outcomes relying on word-of-mouth.
Your practitioner can only take you so far between the frequency of your treatments and your treatment plans, so to aid in a speedy recovery aftercare advice is given in order to get the best results and the biggest lead in the progress of your recovery.
If you have any more questions or concerns check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), as we find these answers most people's questions.